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Welcome to The Glama Project, a unique blog here for you to explore. The Glama Project aims to prove 'age is just a number" while celebrating the beauty and wisdom it beholds one complementary senior makeover & photoshoot at a time!


"May we all grow from a beautiful beauty experience!"

- Founder, Callie Ahern 

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Tuesday Tip - DIY Makeup Brush Cleanser

Q: You know what Tuesday call for?

A: A Tuesday Tip!

We're always here to share some of the fun tips + tricks that we learn as we partner with MUA's as well as tips of our very own. Today's tackle - makeup brush cleaning. Over the course of our shoots, we've had our fair share of dirty brushes. We always clean brushes after each makeover and give all brushes a "DEEP" cleaning when we get home. What's best to use? There are so many products out there!

We've tried them all but tried and true we always resort back to one outside the box combo - dawn dish soap and olive oil!

Here is how to do it:

Step 1: Mix two parts antibacterial dish soap (I personally like Apple Blossom Dawn Antibacterial Dish Soap) to one part extra-virgin olive oil (you can use avocado or coconut oil as well) in a bowl.

Step 2: Grab your first brush and wet it slightly with lukewarm water (Important: Avoid getting the handle wet above the brush as this can mess with the glue).

Step 3. Glide and swish your makeup brush into the bowl and massage with fingers. Repeat until you feel the brush is clean. You'll know it is when you rinse water through the brush and there is no color deposit left.

Step 4. Use fingers to squeeze out excess water.

Step 5. Lay brush flat on a clean towel and to allow air dry.

VOILA! You've got an easy way to clean brushes and it won't break the bank. Note: This solution also works great for Beauty Blenders (though we don't recommend the microwave trick - we haven't mastered that one yet!).

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San Diego, CA, USA

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